VUGen Script
VUGen SCRIPT: The VUGen script contains the requests recorded to perform the desired activity. It has a file extension of “usr”. There are two ways to view a script in VUGen
Script View: This view is the code level view of the script which is used to edit and tune the scripts. To select this view go to View -> Script View Script view has two parts
List view: It lists all the action files present in the script. By default there are three action files viz. vuser_init, action, vuser_end. We can add additional files that we want to incorporate in the script. For a script to perform an activity at least one action file is needed. VUGen Editor: The content of the action selected in the List view is displayed in the VUGen editor.
Tree View: It is the step level view of the script. It is used to see the response obtained for the requests during replay and recording. To select this view go to View -> Tree View It has two parts
Test tree: It lists the steps in the script. Snapshot viewer: It displays the response of the step that is selected in the test tree. Snapshot viewer has two views, HTML and HTTP.
Output window: Output window displays the replay log, recording log, correlation results, generation log and run time data (only during replay). To display the output window go to View -> Output WIndow. Replay Log: It displays a textual summary of the script replay. It indicates whether a request was successfully sent and associated response was successfully received. It displays the value of the parameters that were saved and substituted in the script. If an error was received for a particular request then it indicates the type of the error and some suggestions if application to resolve the same. It indicates the start and end of transactions inserted in the script. Recording Log: It gives information about the communication that happened between the client and the server while recording the script. Generation Log: It gives the end to end details of the generated script. The recording settings, the request header, request body, response header, response body, transaction event details, etc. are displayed in the generation log. It is very useful in identifying requests for correlations. Correlation Results: This tab displays the differences between recorded and replay snapshots. This is helpful in deciding which values to correlate when you want to perform automatic correlation. Auto correlation is not always advisable, manually correlating yields best results and helps in developing a stable script. Run time data: You can track the script information like iteration, action and line number it’s executing. The Parameters section under this displays the value that is being substituted based on their update modes for all the parameters defined in this script. | ||
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