Loadrunner Interview Question Beginners Level 1
Question 11 to 20
Question 11: What are the different Logs available in LR?
Code Generation log and Replay log.
Question 12: What is the difference between Think Time & Pacing?
Time interval between two transactions is called as Think time.
Time interval between two iterations is known as pacing.
We have following pacing options available in LoadRunner:
a. As soon as the previous iteration ends
b. After the previous iteration ends
c. At [Fixed/Random] intervals
More Questions asked in Client Interview
- Which functions are used in scripting ?
- Have written any functions in scripting ?
- Your past experience how many users you have run the test?
- When memory reach 100%, then ideally what you will think?
- How you will get the requirements?
- What is the differences between running vuser as a process and thread ?
- What type recommendations given to the client or stakeholder?
- What protocol you worked in fast experience? How to work with that web service
protocol in your project.
- Work flow process of the perormance testing?
- Have you used in controller ?
- How you design a scenario in controller ?
- What you have done the Pervious projects? Explain the last project
- You have any use the heart beat settings did you used in current project?
- How work is handled in the team?
- You have 10 URLs? How to test the URLs in in at a time LR (i am not understand
the Question)
- What are the bottlenecks you found?
- Have you using goal oriented scenario ?
- What is a memory leak?
- Define Heap Usage?
- What are the bottlenecks you have find the current project? Tell me two critical
- Tell me your project end to end process?
- Tell me about your experience project profile
- Your LR rating in 1 to 10 scale
- What is protocol?
- You have any used the custom functions in your project?
- What type of reports and documents you have prepared? Explain the summary
- Tell me the LR server requirements?
- What type of analysis did you used in your projects? Tell me few observations
and what parameter u have captured?
- What are other options in correlation function and did u used in your project?